Thursday, April 26, 2012


And I was in the middle of wrapping up my mini presentation of a seminar review about sustainable building and construction for my company "TOMORROW" morning while writing this post. I got bored and thought I could use some refreshments. 

So I decided to pay a visit here. As I scrolled through the labels of my post it came through my mind the heading "PRIORITY", I remembered that I wrote it exactly a year ago, I think it was supposed to be a new years resolution but I was too busy with my final project  that I eventually recalled to jot down one in April last year.

- Wrap up my Final Year Project
- Apply for an Internship somewhere in a far away land, or 
- scholarship for masters degree
 (well I managed to apply for some this year, I'm crossing my fingers for my Fulbright application, and others, I really hope that I could continue my masters soon without constraints of any working contract, Amin)
- Get a summer job
- Spend more time with friends
- Wrap up my department report
- Jogging  (this kinda worked out *a bit*)
- Try new cookings and document them (* I did try to make some pancakes :D?*)
- Write a story that i had in my head since a couple of months ago
  *maybe make a biography :D* (I reconsidered of accomplishing this one, I think its too narcisstic in a way- but I managed to make a CV for job interviews?! *close enough*) 
- Practice my shuffling (I had this idea a year ago, but since now it became too mainstream, i think ill just forget about it) 
- Travel around Holland and snap some pictures.
- Read some good books
- Learn some new languages
(Even if I started this a bit too late I still managed to get it on track :D my German class starts this 5th of May yeaayy! :D)
- Conduct a small version of Lonely planet
(In this case I'm also planning to visit some places, hope my plan works out well :)) 
- and well... maybe join another conference.. 

Its actually nice to make some goals, it gives me the idea of where I am going, and keeps me in the right track. Out of the 17 resolutions I made, I managed to achieve 10, in progress of achieving 3, and failed in 4.

So I guess I'm ready to get back on the track. :) hellooo 2012!

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